set temp0= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "127"& QUOTE set HyperTextList = [ #36:temp0] set VideoList = [] @ KNAPPFEN / JELLY DOUGHNUTS In a mixing bowl, dissolve the bakerÕs yeast in 1/2 cup of warm milk with 1/2 cup of flour. Knead into a soft ball, cover with a cloth and leave to rise until bubbles of air appear. Sift the remaining flour, make a well, add the eggs, the salt and the sugar. Mix thoroughly into a smooth dough then add the leavened yeast and the butter softened into a smooth paste. Leave to rest in a warm place until doubled in volume. Take the dough and fold it onto itself several times to remove all the air, bringing it back to its original size. Knead it into a ball and refrigerate for 6 to 8 hours in a plastic bag. When ready to use, knead the dough again, cut it in half and shape both halves into 1 1/2 inch thick rolls. Divide each roll into 16 chunks and shape, by hand, into disks. Chill for 1 hour until firm. Reduce the jam heating it on the stove, into a paste then leave to cool. Place 1 teaspoon of jam on each disk then fold the dough over the jam, rolling it by hand into a ball. Keep in a warm place until double in volume. Deep fry the doughnuts in hot, but not smoking oil. Serve warm, sprinkled with confectionerÕs sugar. @ For 32 doughnuts : 3 1/3 cups flour 2/3 cup butter 3 eggs 1 tbsp salt 2 1/2 tbsp sugar 1 1/2 tbsp bakerÕs yeast 14 oz jam: strawberry, apricot, quetsch plum 1/2 cup milk confectionerÕs sugar @ 60 mn @ 5 mn @ @ Alsace @ Desserts @ @ @